At Dream Derma Aesthetic, we believe in the process of adopting a holistic as well as multi-disciplinary approach so as to achieve your ideal weight that you want to have.
Psychological Approach for weight management
When making a commitment to achieving permanent weight loss, having the right mindset is the key to achieve that.
It is important to adopt realistic weight loss goals, such as a 10 – 12% weight reduction over a time of about 3 – 5 months.
You can also seek for emotional support from your loved ones you need not go through this alone all by yourself if you are depressed.
Dietary Approach for weight management
At our aesthetic treatments the doctors and dermatologists will advise on a balanced and nutritional diet while working on a gradual caloric reduction by 500 – 800 kcal daily.
Physical Approach for weight management
During the time of your weight loss journey, minor lifestyle adjustments might be required so that you can shift to healthy and better lifestyle as a whole.
You should adopt exercises of moderate intensity on a daily basis. This has been scientifically proven to be effective in combating obesity in larger prospects.
Behavioral Approach for weight management
While you eat healthy and exercise for a few months will help in your weight loss goals, lifestyle changes must be made to ensure these good habits are adopted on a long term basis, so as to ensure the stability of your weight loss achievements can be reached as early as possible.
If stress is one of the biggest factors that induces unhealthy dieting and behavioral habits, lifestyle changes should also be made so as to reduce such bad factors that can badly impact your weight loss journey as a whole.
Aesthetic Approach for weight management
At Dream Derma clinic, we also offer treatments like that of body contouring to help reduce the appearance of stubborn fats as well as the ugly looking cellulite, to achieve your ideal body shape and a more confident personality.